Friday, February 14, 2025

How did you get my router passcode?

It has been the fight for time to get my post to my blog.
These criminals know exact moment I am ready to post. 
So I had to hurry that process up really fast, copy, past and update before these hackers disconnect my internet connection.
I can't even use my editing tools. They know exact what websites I am in any given moment.
Once it gets it posted, then they can't do anything about it.

5G has a bandwith 433 Mbps /433 Mbps, while 2.4G has 72 Mbps/72 Mbps.
I tried several times to connect 5G, I get drop off from within few seconds.
So  someone near me has locked on 433 Mbps data transfer power from my router located in my unit.
And he is using such data transfer power to disrupt my 2.4G internet connection to my desktop anytime he please.
That's very concerning and worrisome to me.
I do not know what sort of things he would do that much power.
And he could be using my 5G router as access point to his the internet.
He could be anywhere within my router rabge.
Fact that he is interupting my internet connections, he could be doing illegal stuffs using my router.

As you can see, my 5G came back to me after almost one year's absence after my posting yeaterday as bottom. But it still doesn't work, dropping off my internet connection. And the hacker is back. He has been disrupting my internet connections all this time I try to update these info.
He still have a full control of my 5G. And he was within my 5G router's signal distance.
He is pernacious, hardcore, and dangerous hacker as you can see from pictures below.
He even pulled plug of my internet connection after I was using my gmail

He is back. As you can see, my 5G came back to me after

Where are you now? 

You were interrupting my internet connections just 10-20 minutes ago, like you normally have done for many months.

Why did you all of a sudden stop this time?

Go ahead, disconnect my desktop. I am using it right now, the same internet interruptions that you would normally have done. So I know you are here near the reach of my router's 5G signal. You have been stealing and enjoying my 5G internet service to defraud me, ILLEGALLY.

It's not showing up here, but I was given three different bandwidth including 5G.

Right now, my phone and my wife's devices are connected to 5G.

How long have you been using my router? And from where?

You are using my 5G bandwidth to interrupt my 2G internet connection for my desktop computer, harass me, and defraud my time, hours and hours of wasted time, and worst of all, defraud me financially and destroy me physically and psychologically. 

What were your plans?

What were you trying to accomplish using my 5G bandwidth?

Basically, you have been front-running my 2G internet connections to harass and defraud me by hijacking my rightful internet connection bandwidth.

How did you get the passcode to my router located in my own room right now?

That router and modem were installed about a year ago. and I was in the room when it was installed.

That's theft of my property and a serious cybercrime.

What did I lose, or in other words, what did you steal from me? What information, besides my time, hours, and days?

In order to avoid your disruption, I have been assigning a new computer name to be connected. All that time, hours and days, I wasted and frustrations I had to endure because of you.

The things I really want to know are the following.

Who are you working for?

Who hired you?

How do you get paid and for what?

I think you may be a part of the same Man-In-The-Middle Attack Team, international crime cartels, I have mentioned so many times in my blogs, that I had an experience of these criminal attacks in the US.

You criminals defraud your victims by completely isolating them like you are doing right now with me by denying and impersonating my internet and telecommunication services. 

And that also almost always leads to bank wire frauds convicting all parties involved in these criminal schemes.

Your Korean and American bank accounts can easily be frozen and confiscated. Yes, I know how this thing can spread very badly for you. Just take this as my friendly warning!

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Is this how people hack into your computer?

This means these people who are harassing me now here in Korea are deeply related to all those ethnic RICO gangs, at least six of them, who have been attacking me viciously and insidiously in Chicago and in Atlanta.

And they are near me, watching me every day and plotting every possible criminal entrapment scheme to destroy me.

They are deeply related to my personal and corporate enemies and their contractors, who included my old co-workers and corporate executives, my old neighbors, firemen, EMTs, law enforcement, and NGOs and labor union member criminals who failed their contracted hit jobs on me in Chicago, Atlanta, and Korea until now.

Many of these are corporate and NGO CEOs, SVPs, MDs, JDs, CPAs, former and current politicians, lobbyists, unregistered foreign agents, intelligence operatives, mega millionaires and billionaires, and the bosses and capos in international crime cartels that specialize in insurance frauds, drug trafficking, and human trafficking.

That means whoever turned it on had to turned it on physically.

That's really sickening!

My computer had this feature turned on until I turned it off a couple of days ago.

I only found this feature while researching the problem of my internet dropping off sporadically too often every day these days.

Now, I can't even remember when I bought this computer or even if this computer was manipulated before it arrived at my house in Lawrenceville, GA. The only time it was taken out of my possession was one time it was repaired in a computer repair shop in Duluth, GA, near to where MACY, a mega-size Korean grocery store, and SEARS shopping mall used to be located.

Many bad and weird things, such as vehicular mobbing and stalking, happened very near to this area.

I am betting this whole thing is related to about 6 different RICO gangs who have been attacking me viciously for the past eight years, from December 8, 2017, in Atlanta, Chicago, and Korea.

My Internet Is Constantly Disrupted

Someone is messing with my internet connection. It is getting really terrible lately. It takes hours to get on it, only to disconnect in a few minutes as if someone is playing a game with me. Sometimes he is generous to have me stay on a few more minutes. As soon as I venture out to my US websites, this guy disconnects my Wi-Fi connection to my desktop.

Shouldn't this be a serious crime? Shouldn't there be international law regarding this sort of criminal obstruction online?

Just because I am a foreigner in the land, some of these bad people do all kinds of stuff to harass and try to take advantage of me.

I find them, hackers, the worst kind of human beings out there. I am very sure they will be lowly life forms in the next lives.

The karmic consequence of violating someone's trust is severe.

We will see where all these are going.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Human Trafficking and Illegal Adoption

I want to point out a very serious problem in our society, a completely ignored or abandoned group of our population. 

It has been brought to my attention these days in light of all the ongoing efforts of deportation of illegal aliens by the Trump administration.

These are the people who became illegal aliens through no fault of their own via illegal adoptions.

These are the babies and children who grew up in the United States without any US Constitutional Rights.

These hardcore criminals, many of whom are members of international crime cartels, brought these babies and children to the United States illegally for profit, and those parents (many are LGBTQ couples) who adopted these babies and children did so without properly giving these babies and children their naturalized citizenship rights. These criminals should be sought out and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for ruining these kids' whole lives even before they barely started theirs.

These babies and children brought to the United States through human trafficking for the purpose of illegal adoptions should be treated differently with great care and compassion, possibly giving them naturalized citizenships if they choose to remain in the United States.

We, Americans, owe them at least that much moral obligation for not preventing this legal quagmire for these adoptees. They are the victims of human trafficking, not illegal aliens.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Four Noble Truths and Noble Eightfold Path

The Four Noble Truths (catvāri āryasatyāni) are the foundational teachings of Buddhism that outline the nature of suffering and the path to liberation. 

  1. Dukkha (suffering) is an innate characteristic of transient existence; nothing is permanent, and that is suffering. The first truth, suffering, is an impermanent characteristic of existence in the realm of continuous rebirth, called samsara (wandering).
  2. Samudaya (cause of suffering): together with this transient world and its suffering, there is also thirst, craving for, and attachment to this transient, unsatisfactory existence. To end suffering, the four noble truths tell us, one needs to know how and why suffering arises. The second noble truth explains that suffering arises because of craving, desire, and attachment.
  3. Nirodha (severance of suffering): the attachment to this transient world and its suffering can be severed or contained by the controlling or letting go of this craving. If the cause of suffering is desire and attachment to various transient things, then the way to end suffering is to eliminate such craving, desire, and attachment.
  4. Marga (ways to extinguish suffering ): the Noble Eightfold Path is the path leading to the extinguishing of this desire and attachment, and therefore release from dukkha, suffering.

The Noble Eightfold Path is the summary of the path of Buddhist practices leading to liberation from samsara, the painful cycle of rebirth, in the form of nirvana.

The Eightfold Path consists of eight practices: right view, right resolve, right speech, right conduct, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right samadhi ('meditative absorption or union'; alternatively, equanimous meditative awareness).

The eight Buddhist practices in the Noble Eightfold Path are:
  1. Right View (sammā ditthi): our actions have consequences, death is not the end, and our actions and beliefs have consequences even after death. The Buddha followed and taught a successful path out of this world and the other world (heaven and underworld/hell). Later on, right view came to explicitly include karma and rebirth, and the importance of the Four Noble Truths, when "insight" became central to Buddhist soteriology, especially in Theravada Buddhism.
  2. Right Resolve (samyaka-samkalpa / sammā-sankappa) can also be known as "right thought", "right aspiration", or "right motivation". In this factor, the practitioner resolves to strive toward non-violence (ahimsa) and avoid violent and hateful conduct. It also includes the resolve to leave home, renounce the worldly life and follow the Buddhist path.
  3. Right Speech: no lying, no abusive speech, no divisive speech, no idle chatter.
  4. Right Conduct or Action: no killing or injuring, no taking what is not given, no sexual misconduct, no material desires.
  5. Right Livelihood: no trading in weapons, living beings, meat, liquor, or poisons.
  6. Right Effort: preventing the arising of unwholesome states, and generating wholesome states, the bojjhangā (Seven Factors of Awakening). This includes indriya-samvara, "guarding the sense-doors", restraint of the sense faculties.
  7. Right Mindfulness (sati; Satipatthana; Sampajañña): a quality that guards or watches over the mind; the stronger it becomes, the weaker unwholesome states of mind become, weakening their power "to take over and dominate thought, word and deed." In the vipassana movement, sati is interpreted as "bare attention": never be absent minded, being conscious of what one is doing; this encourages the awareness of the impermanence of body, feeling and mind, as well as to experience the five aggregates (skandhas), the five hindrances, the four True Realities and seven factors of awakening.
  8. Right samadhi (passaddhi; ekaggata; sampasadana): practicing four stages of dhyāna ("meditation"), which includes samadhi proper in the second stage, and reinforces the development of the bojjhangā, culminating into upekkhā (equanimity) and mindfulness. In the Theravada tradition and the vipassana movement, this is interpreted as ekaggata, concentration or one-pointedness of the mind, and supplemented with vipassana meditation, which aims at insight.

Monday, December 30, 2024

How the Buddha Described the Chance of Rebirth in the Human Realm

 At Sāvatthī. Then the Buddha, picking up a little bit of sand on his fingernail, addressed the bhikkhus: “What do you think, bhikkhus? Which is more: the little bit of sand on my fingernail, or this great Earth?”

Bhante, the great earth is far more. The little bit of sand on your fingernail is tiny. Compared to the great Earth, those cannot be compared or even imagined; it is not even a significant fraction.”

“In the same way, bhikkhus, sentient beings reborn as humans are few as this bit of sand on my fingernail. But those not reborn as humans are many as the sand on this great Earth. Therefore, you should strive diligently and without delay to end this suffering in the rebirth process.”

부처님께서 인간계에서의 환생의 기회를 어떻게 설명하셨는가

사밧티에서 부처님은 손톱에 묻은 모래를 조금 주워서 비구들에게 말씀하셨습니다. “비구들이여, 어떻게 생각하십니까? 손톱에 묻은 모래가 더 많은지, 아니면 이 대지(大地)에있는 모래가 더 많은지?”

“반테, 대지에있는모래가 많읍니다. 당신 손톱에 묻은 모래는 아주 작습니다. 대지와 비교하면 비교할 수도 없고 상상할 수도 없습니다. 그것은 의미 있는 부분도 아닙니다.”

“비구들이여, 이와 마찬가지로 인간으로 환생하는 중생은 손톱에 묻은 모래만큼 적습니다. 그러나 인간으로 환생하지 않는 중생은 이 대지의 모래만큼 많습니다. 그러므로 당신은 이 환생 과정에서 이 고통을 끝내기 위해 부지런히 그리고 지체 없이 노력해야 합니다.”

“Bhikkhus, this rebirth process has no discernible (na paññāyati) beginning. Beings whose minds are covered by ignorance and are bound to this rebirth process with bonds of craving.”

“비구들이여, 이 환생 과정에는 분별할 수 있는 시작이 없습니다. 마음이 무지에 덮여 있고 갈애의 끈으로 얽매인 존재들은이 환생 과정이 계속될것 입니다.”

“What do you think, bhikkhus: Which is greater, the tears you have shed while trapped in this rebirth process or the water in the four great oceans? (Crying because of being born into a bad birth or being separated from loved ones in good births)”

“비구들이여, 너희는 어떻게 생각하느냐? 이 환생의 과정에 갇혀서 흘린 눈물과 사대양의 물 중 어느 것이 더 큰가? (나쁜 태생으로 태어났기 때문에 우는 것, 좋은 태생으로 사랑하는 사람과 헤어져서 우는 것)”

“As we understand the Dhamma taught to us by the Bhante, the tears we have shed while trapped in this beginning-less rebirth process is greater than the waters in the four great oceans.”

"우리가 Bhante가 가르쳐 준 다르마를 이해한다면, 이 시작 없는 환생 과정에 갇혀 있는 동안 우리가 흘린 눈물은 4대양의 물보다 더 큽니다."

“Excellent, bhikkhus. It is good that you thus understand the Dhamma taught by me. That is the larger: the tears you have shed while trapped in this beginning-less rebirth process — not the water in the four vast oceans."

“훌륭합니다, 비구들이여. 여러분이 내가 가르친 법을 이렇게 이해한 것은 좋은 일입니다. 더 큰 것은, 여러분이 이 시작 없는 환생 과정에 갇혀 흘린 눈물입니다. 네 개의 광대한 바다에 있는 물이 아닙니다.

Long have you (repeatedly) experienced the death of a mother. The tears you have shed over the death of a mother while trapped in this beginning-less rebirth process are greater than the water in the four vast oceans.

당신은 오랫동안 어머니의 죽음을 (반복적으로) 경험했습니다. 시작 없는 이 환생 과정에 갇혀 어머니의 죽음에 흘린 눈물은 네 개의 광대한 바다의 물보다 큽니다.

Long have you (repeatedly) experienced the death of a father, death of a brother, death of a sister, death of a son, death of a daughter, loss of relatives, or loss of wealth. The tears you have shed over diseases while trapped in this beginning-less rebirth process would fill the four vast oceans.

당신은 오랫동안 아버지의 죽음, 형제의 죽음, 자매의 죽음, 아들의 죽음, 딸의 죽음, 친척의 상실, 재산의 상실을 (반복적으로) 경험해 왔습니까? 이 시작 없는 환생 과정에 갇혀 질병으로 인해 흘린 눈물은 네 개의 광대한 바다를 채울 것입니다.

Why is that? The beginning of this rebirth process is not discernible.”

왜 그럴까요? 이 환생 과정의 시작은 식별할 수 없기이기때문입니다."

How did you get my router passcode?

It has been the fight for time to get my post to my blog. These criminals know exact moment I am ready to post.  So I had to hurry that proc...